Ricette di Riso I Ferrari

Riso I Ferrari’s recipes


Discover Riso I Ferrari’s recipes and delight your palate with our delicious proposals!

Riso Artemide con pomodori confit, cozze e bottarga.

  • riso Artemide I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • cozze;
  • pomodorini;
  • bottarga;
  • Olio evo, sale, zucchero, basilico, aglio, prezzemolo qb.

Mentre il riso Artemide cuoce in acqua salata, preparate i pomodorini confit. Tagliate a metà i pomodorini e posizionateli in una teglia da forno condendoli con sale, zucchero, olio, un pò di basilico ed infornate a 120 gradi per 40 minuti. Cucinate le cozze in una padella con olio, aglio e prezzemolo. Una volta aperte, sgusciatele e mettetele da parte. Preparate poi un’emulsione frullando insieme l’acqua delle cozze, la bottarga e l’olio. Una volta pronto il riso lasciatelo raffreddare e poi conditelo con le cozze, i pomodorini confit, l’emulsione e abbondanti lamelle di bottarga.

“Ricetta di Alessandra Nioi

Insalata di riso Apollo con verdure croccanti, crema di feta greca e menta.

  • riso Apollo I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • zucchine;
  • melanzane;
  • feta greca;
  • menta fresca;
  • olio evo, sale, aglio, pepe qb.


Fate cuocere il riso Apollo in acqua salata ed una volta pronto lasciatelo raffreddare. Tagliate a cubetti le zucchine e le melanzane, posizionateli in una teglia da forno e conditeli con olio, aglio, sale, pepe e infornate per 20 minuti. Utilizzate metà delle verdure cotte per preparare una crema mettendole in un frullatore ad immersione insieme alla feta greca e alle foglie di menta. Infine condite il riso con i dadini di melanzane e zucchine, la crema di feta e guarnite con foglie di menta fresca. 

“Ricetta di Alessandra Nioi

Apollo Caesar Salad Rice

  • 100 gr Apollo I Chicchi d’Angelo rice;
  • 150 gr chicken breast;
  • 120 gr low-fat yogurt;
  • 80 gr mixed salad;
  • 40 gr bacon;
  • 20 gr Goji berries;
  • 15 gr dehydrated red fruits;
  • 1 shallot, 1 green apple;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh fennel, lemon peel to taste.

Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Cut the chicken breast into strips, season with oil, julienne shallots and sauté in a pan until the meat turns brown, season with salt and pepper.
Sauté the rice in a pan with oil and fennel for a few minutes with a sincere flame.
Serve the rice into a low pie. Arrange the cooked chicken, the mixed salad, the green apple (previously cut), the red fruits and the Goji berries on the pie. Add the yogurt dropwise over the patty.
Create an emulsion of oil and lemon peels and pour it on the plate as you like.
Finish with a crumble of bacon (previously cooked for a few minutes in the microwave) all over the plate.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Riso Artemide con cremoso di pomodoro, julienne di calamari e asparagi

  • 80 gr riso Artemide I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 1 kg fresh octopus;
  • 70 gr green asparagus;
  • 50 gr datterini tomatoes;
  • 50 gr fresh spring onion;
  • Yellow datterino tomatoes for decoration;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon peel to taste.

Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Clean the squid and cut them into julienne strips, season with oil, lemon peel, fresh spring onion and cook in a very hot non-stick pan for a few minutes. Leave to cool.
Clean and cook the asparagus in hot water and then cool in cold water.
Season the asparagus with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.
Blend the datterini tomatoes, adding oil and salt.
Aggiungere il frullato al riso Artemide e creare un tortino sul piatto.
Arrange the squid and asparagus on the pie, the yellow datterini tomatoes (cut into wedges) and finish the dish with a drizzle of oil and grated lemon.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Ermes rice with grilled seafood, yellow cherry tomatoes and citrus dressing.

Ingredients for 2 people:
  • 1oo gr riso Ermes I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 150 gr fresh octopus;
  • 150 gr fresh squid;
  • 100 gr white prawns;
  • 80 gr small cuttlefish;
  • 150 gr fresh Sardinian mussels;
  • 150 gr fresh medium scampi;
  • 80 gr yellow cherry tomatoes;
  • 50 gr wild asparagus;
  • 1 orange and 1 lemon;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, fresh myrtle to taste;
  • Mixed vegetables to decorate at will.
Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Wash and clean the shellfish, cut and season with salt, thyme and myrtle.
Cook all the shellfish on a hot grill. Once cooked, add a grated lemon peel and orange peel.
Cook the cherry tomatoes on the grill. Boil the asparagus in boiling water for a few minutes, drain and pass over the grill.
Prepare a cold sauce by blending lemon and orange juice, salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil.
Form a square of Ermes rice on a plate with the help of a mold.
Arrange all the shellfish on top, add cherry tomatoes, asparagus and mixed vegetables to decorate the dish.
Finally pour the sauce directly over the shellfish and rice.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri

Ermes rice with braised octopus, oranges and asparagus

Ingredients for 3 people:

  • 250 gr Ermes rice I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 1 kg fresh octopus;
  • 500 gr green asparagus;
  • 300 gr yellow datterino tomatoes;
  • 3 slices of tarocco oranges;
  • 1 bunch of chives;
  • 2 bay leaves for decoration;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, peppercorns, grated bottarga to taste.

Clean and wash the octopus well, cook for 1 hour in a steel pot without water (high flame for the first 5 minutes and then low flame for the rest of cooking).
Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Clean and cook the asparagus. Cut the tomatoes in half and chop the chives.
Season the Ermes rice with tomato, chives, orange wedges, salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.
Cut the octopus so that the tentacles remain in perfect style, place it on the Ermes rice, add the asparagus and finish by adding 2 bay leaves, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkling of bottarga.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Apollo rice with turkey roll, avocado, white grapes and bacon

  • 80 gr Apollo I Grains d'Angelo rice;
  • 80 gr turkey roll;
  • 40 gr celery (the heart);
  • 40 gr white grapes;
  • 40 gr bacon (stewed bacon);
  • 20 gr fennel beard;
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • Extra virgin olive oil, grated cheese, pink pepper berries, mixed fresh herbs, mixed salad, salt, pepper, lemon peel to taste.

Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place
and season it with salt, pepper, fennel beard, lemon peel, pink pepper berries, extra virgin olive oil.
For the roulade, cut the turkey breast into slices and place them in a foil. Shape the turkey slices into a rectangle. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and add grated cheese and mixed herbs. Roll the slices in the plastic wrap creating a fake sausage. Close tightly on the sides and cook in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Once cooked, cut into slices with a thickness of your choice.
Prepare a small salad with white grapes, slices of ripe avocado, heart of celery, mixed salad, bacon (previously grilled), fennel steak, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and a grated lemon peel.
Create a pie with the seasoned rice, place the salad with the previously prepared bacon and a few slices of rollè on top; decorate the dish with sprigs of herbs and a little crumbled bacon.
Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Apollo rice with Jerusalem artichoke cream, cuttlefish tender and n’duja

  • 100 gr Apollo I Chicchi d’Angelo rice;
  • 100 gr fresh cuttlefish;
  • 70 gr topinambur, 1 scalogno;
  • 10 gr n’duja paste;
  • 5 gr mixed fresh herbs;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste.

Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or on a marble. Clean the cuttlefish and divide it into two parts. One part is cut into julienne, the other part is notched on the inside. Marinate both sides with oil, salt, herbs, pepper and scallions. Cut the Jerusalem artichoke into small pieces, add oil, shallots to a pan and sauté. Add water until covered. Cook for about 20 minutes, then blend everything and add salt. Sauté the rice in a pan with oil, salt, herbs and pepper. We cook the cuttlefish affected on the inside in a non-stick pan for about 6/7 minutes. Then take the cuttlefish cut into julienne strips and toss in a pan with oil, salt, pepper and a grated lemon for about 4/5 minutes. Spread the n’duja pasta on the plate, put the Jerusalem artichoke cream, rice and cuttlefish cooked in julienne style. Put the second part of the cuttlefish on the n’duja pasta. Embellish the dish with herbs and lemon peel.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Risotto vongole, salicornia e burrata.

Ingredienti per 6 persone:

  • 500 g riso carnaroli I Chicchi d’Angelo
  • 40 g porro
  • 40 g salicornia
  • 600 g vongole
  • 1 lime
  • ½ bicchiere Vermentino di Gallura
  • 30 g burro
  • 40 g olio di oliva extravergine
  • 1,2 l circa di brodo di pesce

In casseruola rosolare il porro tritato, lasciare tostare assieme al riso per qualche minuto, quindi sfumare con il Vermentino, un po’ alla volta unire il brodo di pesce (preparato in precedenza con lische di pesce, sedano, carote, cipolle, aneto, pomodorino) lasciare cuocere avendo cura di mescolare spesso, quasi a fine cottura unire la salicornia sbollentata e l’acqua delle vongole in precedenza filtrata. Aggiungere le vongole sgusciate, lasciandone un paio da parte per decorare, in fine guarnire il piatto con una crema di burrata frullata con il frullatore a immersione, mantecare con burro a fuoco spento, aggiungere a discrezione peperoncino.

“Ricetta di Luigi Alioto Chef del Ristorante Grecale, nel resort Valle dell’Erica a Santa Teresa di Gallura e socio Euro-Toques Italia

Foto di Chef Luigi Alioto


Riso Artemide con cremoso di bufala, olio al pomodoro e basilico.

  • 80 gr riso Artemide I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 125 gr buffalo mozzarella;
  • 80 gr fresh cream;
  • 10 gr dried tomatoes;
  • 10 gr fresh basil;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, Bengal long pepper to taste.

Cook the rice in lightly salted water.
To prepare the tomato oil, put the extra virgin olive oil and dried tomatoes in the blender and blend. Once the rice is cooked, let it cool to room temperature by adding a drizzle of oil. To prepare the buffalo cream, insert the buffalo cut into pieces, extra virgin olive oil, fresh cream, salt and long pepper in the blender and blend everything until creating a smooth and fragrant cream. Place the rice cake (created with a bowl of pasta) previously mixed with salt and seasoned with tomato oil on a plate. Pour the buffalo cream around the rice cake and add a basil leaf.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri

Shrimp risotto, chard ribs and yellow cherry tomatoes

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 160 gr riso Carnaroli o Arborio I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 120 gr prawns;
  • 100 gr chard ribs;
  • 1 l shrimp broth;
  • 150 gr yellow cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 gr shallot;
  • 1 radicchio leaf;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, marjoram, salt, pepper, lemon peel to taste.

Clean the shrimp. Prepare a broth with the cuirasses and heads. Cut the tails into pieces (leave one whole for decoration) and season with oil, lemon peel and marjoram.
Clean the chard stalks and cook in boiling water for a few minutes. Cool in cold water.
Once cold, cut into small squares and season with oil, salt and pepper.
Brown the shallot in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, toast the rice for about 3 minutes, add the shrimp broth, a little salt, and cook for about 12 minutes.
Add the prawns, the yellow tomatoes (previously cut), the chard ribs and finish cooking.
To finish, add a drizzle of oil and decorate as desired.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Riso Artemide con gamberetti e zucchine

  • 400 grammi riso Artemide I Chicchi d’Angelo
  • 150 grams shrimp;
  • 150 grams zucchini;
  • 1 yellow onion;
  • Salt and extra virgin olive oil to taste

Wash and chop the onion and sauté it in a pan with a little oil.
Cut the courgettes, add them to the onion and cook for 5 minutes; add the prawns and cook for another 5 minutes, adding a ladle of water or broth.
When cooked, drain the previously cooked rice and add it to the sauce, allowing it to flavor for a few minutes and season with salt.
Excellent to be enjoyed both hot and cold.

Il piatto degli innamorati: Riso Ermes con crudo di gamberi rossi

  • 160 gr Ermes rice I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 100 gr gamberi rossi Sicilia;
  • 20 gr fresh Tropea onion, 20 gr Tarocco oranges;
  • 10 gr yellow pachino tomato, 5 gr fennel beard;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon zest to taste;
  • As a decoration radicchio and herbs.

Cook the rice in abundant lightly salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or on marble.
Shell the prawns, place them in a bowl adding: salt, pepper, lemon zest, fennel beard, Tropea onion and extra virgin olive oil, leave to flavor for a few minutes. Season the rice with: oil, salt, lemon zest and fennel, place it in a pastry ring.
Arrange the flavored prawns on the rice cake, add the live oranges and the decorations we have available.ì

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Risotto with cardoncelli and white grapes

  • 180 gr riso Carnaroli o Arborio I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 1500 ml vegetable broth of mushrooms;
  • 300 gr fresh cardoncelli, 100 gr white grapes;
  • 50 gr burro, 20 gr sakè;
  • 1 shallot, 3 sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, semi-seasoned pecorino to taste.

Clean and cut the cardoncelli. Prepare a vegetable broth with the scraps of the cardoncelli and half a shallot.
Cook the cardoncelli in a pan with oil and thyme. Toast the rice. Add the broth a little at a time.
Halfway through cooking, add a part of cardoncelli.
When cooked, let it rest for 30 seconds, and add the remaining cardoncelli with pecorino.
Separately, prepare melted butter and white grapes in a small pan, sprinkle with sake.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Risotto with asparagus

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 160 gr di riso Carnaroli I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 300 gr of asparagus;
  • 800 ml di brodo vegetale;
  • 1/2 onion;
  • Sale e parmigiano grattugiato q.b.

Clean the asparagus by removing the hardest part and cut them into small pieces.
Fry the onion in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and, once wilted, add the asparagus and pour the rice into the same pot, toasting it for a minute.
Add the broth a little at a time.
Remove from the heat and stir in the asparagus risotto with plenty of Parmesan.

Riso rosso Ermes con lenticchie

  • 1l brodo vegetale
  • 150g riso rosso integrale;
  • 150g lenticchie verdi;
  • 100g carota;
  • 50g cipolla;
  • 40g olio evo.

Affettare a velo la cipolla e rosolarla per 2’ in metà dell’olio.
Aggiungere il riso alla cipolla e tostarlo per circa 1’; versare tutto il brodo bollente e cuocere per circa 10’.
Unire le lenticchie al riso, proseguendo la cottura per 20’, aggiungere la carota tagliata a dadini e cuocere per ulteriori 5’. Mantecare il riso con l’olio e servire ben caldo.

Risotto allo champagne

Ingredienti per 4 persone:

  • 300 g di riso Carnaroli I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • 1/2 bottiglia di champagne;
  • 1/2 cipolla bianca;
  • 50 g di burro;
  • 1 l di brodo vegetale;
  • parmigiano grattugiato.


Tritate finemente la cipolla e fatela appassire dolcemente in un tegame con 30 g di burro e un mestolino di acqua calda. Aggiungete il riso e tostatelo per qualche minuto. Versate lo Champagne, poco alla volta sempre mescolando. Quando tutto il vino sarà assorbito bagnate con il brodo bollente e portate a cottura. A fuoco spento mantecate con il burro rimasto e il parmigiano.

“Ricetta di Vannisa Biggio
Foto di Vannisa Biggio”

Minestra di riso, zucchine e patate

  • 200 g di riso Arborio I Chicchi d’Angelo ;
  • 3 patate;
  • 4 pomodori;
  • 4 zucchine verdi;
  • 4 cucchiai di olio evo;
  • 1 cipolla;
  • 1,5 litri di brodo vegetale o di carne;
  • Prezzemolo, parmigiano grattugiato, sale e pepe q.b.

Rosolare la cipolla tritata in una pentola con un po’ d’olio. Unire le patate e le zucchine tagliate a dadini e fare cuocere per 5’.
Aggiungere i pomodori a pezzetti, il prezzemolo tritato, il sale e il pepe.
Far cuocere per qualche minuto, aggiunger il brodo e portare ad ebollizione. Una volta che le verdure saranno pronte aggiungere il riso e portarlo a cottura. Gustare la minestra calda con abbondante parmigiano.

Ermes con pancia di maiale e crema di broccolo romanesco


80 gr Ermes rice I Chicchi d’Angelo;
100 gr pork belly;
500 gr romanesco broccoli;
100 gr shallot;
200 gr yellow cherry tomatoes;
30 gr dill;
Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, orange peel to taste;

Bake the pork belly in the oven at 120 degrees on a large mesh grill for about 1 hour and a half.
Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Clean and cut the Romanesco broccoli, keep all the tops well defined and boil for about 10/15 minutes. Once cooked, drain, dip in cold water and once cooled, blend one part with salt, pepper, a little orange peel and extra virgin olive oil. Create a homogeneous and smooth cream.
Sauté the rice in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and dill for about 4 minutes. Cut the shallot and bake on a baking sheet with oil and salt for 20 minutes at 130 degrees.
Cut the pork belly into fairly thick slices. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and season with oil and salt.
Arrange on a plate (below) a spoonful of rice, a slice of the pork belly; add the Romanesco broccoli, shallot, cherry tomatoes and dill.
Finish with the broccoli cream.
Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”

Risotto con zafferano, funghi e crema di pecorino.

  • riso Carnaroli o Arborio I Chicchi d’Angelo;
  • brodo vegetale;
  • funghi;
  • zafferano;
  • pecorino grattugiato;
  • burro;
  • parmigiano grattugiato;
  • vino bianco.

Pulire e tagliare i funghi. In una casseruola, far tostare il riso e sfumare con il viso bianco. Aggiungere a poco a poco il brodo, lo zafferano e i funghi. Lasciate cuocere a fuoco basso fino a terminare la cottura del riso aggiungendo ogni tanto un mestolo di brodo. Preparate la crema di pecorino in un pentolino con 200 ml di latte e 70 gr di pecorino grattugiato. Mescolate con la frusta a fuoco basso finché non diventa una crema liscia e omogenea. Quando il risotto sarà pronto spegnete il fuoco e mantecate con burro ghiacciato e parmigiano. Completate l’impiattamento aggiungendo la crema di pecorino.

“Ricetta di Alessandra Nioi

Riso Artemide con cordula e cremoso di cipolle bianche allo zafferano

Ingredients for 2 people:
• 130 gr riso Artemide I Chicchi d’Angelo;
• 200 gr cipolle bianche;
• 500 gr cordula di agnello;
• 50 gr patate gialle;
• 1 scalogno;
• 5 perle di ginepro in bacche;
• 2 bastoncini di cannella in stecche;
• 1 arancio;
• 100 gr sedano;
• 2 bustine di zafferano in polvere;
• Olio evo, sale e pepe qb.

Cook the rice in salted water, once cooked let it cool in a blast chiller or in a cool place.
Immergere, in una pentola con acqua, le bacche di ginepro, lo scalogno, la cannella in stecche, la buccia di arancia e il sedano. Far bollire per 10 minuti poi immergere la cordula e far cuocere per circa 20 minuti.
Preparare una pentola con olio, riscaldare la cipolla tritata, aggiungere le patate tagliate a dadini, del brodo di cordula e lasciar cuocere. A fine cottura frullare e aggiungere lo zafferano cercando di ottenere un composto cremoso e stabile correggendo di sale e pepe.
Togliere la cordula dalla pentola, asciugarla e ripassarla in padella fino a farla brunire esternamente.
Ripassare in padella il riso Artemide con olio, erbe e sale.
Impiattare adagiando su un piatto la cordula tagliata a medaglioni, al suo fianco il riso Artemide e ancora la crema di cipolle allo zafferano.

Recipe by Chef Giuseppe Falanga e Adele Polluce Picture of Adriano Mauri
Foto di Adriano Mauri”


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